Match His Greatness

by | Understanding

2 Chronicles 2:5 (GNB)

“I intend to build a great temple, because our God is greater than any other god.”


Today, let’s work towards rededicating our lives to the Lord. We cannot give the Lord a substandard offering because He deserves the best. He is the greatest and the most powerful. When King Solomon was building the temple for the Lord, he brought the best of the artisans, gold, timber, etc. He intended to build it in a spirit of excellence because our God is great. He compared the temple to all the things that were considered great at that time. He compared wealth, other nations, powers, leaders, and anything that stood out to him.

Let’s rededicate our lives to Him, then pause and compare Him to all the other things that crave our attention. Understand Who this God is. When Jesus was explaining to the Samaritan woman, He said ‘You will worship God in truth and in spirit’. We should understand the truth of who this God is before we worship Him. If we don’t understand who this God is, then we are not qualified to glorify Him. Let’s ask God to open our understanding, eyes, and revelation to see the Lord as He is. It may sound blasphemous to compare God to other things but in the scripture we find the singers doing this all the time in Psalms; they constantly compared the greatness of God with everything else that craved their attention in their vicinity. We have to learn to compare every idol of our lives and understand that there is none greater than Him.

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