Warning & Reward

by | Podcast, The Word

Psalms 19:11 (NIV)

“They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey them.”


May the Lord cause fresh rain to fall upon our spirits, as we gather each morning to receive the heart, mind, fresh revelation of God; we are transforming ourselves for great revelations and breakthroughs.  

In Psalm 19:11, the Psalmist speaks about the voice of God, he says “these voices I hear week after week, day after day, these scriptures I read, they are a warning to your servant and it is a great reward for those who obey them. The word I receive, is the same God who speaks, the Holy Spirit brings the word and Jesus manifests through that word. Although, the effect on me, depends on my understanding, revelation and journey with the Lord.

Let’s thank God for daily warnings, we shouldn’t take them lightly or granted, because we’ll slowly start ignoring it. Let’s pray, we do not get used to the warnings we hear so much so now, it doesn’t affect us or the word doesn’t move us anymore, thrill us or put the fear of God in our hearts anymore.  The word of God is supposed to be warning to the servants of God.

The next line says “The same word of God that is a warning to servants of God, is a great reward to those who obey them”. So, there is a group of people who practice and obey the word of God and are intentional in pursuing and practicing the heart of God. The same word says that these words that are a warning to others, will be a great reward for those who obey them.

If we consider ourselves, a servant of God, who has been heeding to warnings in the scripture, then we will also receive the grace to obey, and as a result of obedience, we will also receive the blessing and reward of that obedience.

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