Dedicated These Gifts

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Worship

King David dedicated all these gifts to the LORD, as he did with the silver and gold from the other nations he had defeated. – 2 Samuel 8:11 (NLT)


When we begin our day we have to come to Gods presence and ask him to show us a glimpse of His grace and love and also help us lay down our life, talents, victories, failures all at His feet.

David sinned but he was honest enough to accept his mistakes, bring his failures before God and build an altar. He also made it a practice to bring his victories before God.

If we are intentional to dedicate all our blessings to God, why wouldn’t He want to be on our side to help us fight our battles.

The more David dedicated and gave to God, the more God blessed him and kept him going from victory to victory.

We may think that if we give to God we may have to live a poor lifestyle but it is not logically, spiritually or rationally possible that we give all our abilities resources time and influence to God and we get nothing.

When you give God one day in your life, what you get in return is a thousand days of productivity.

The power of dedicating what we have to the Lord is that when we give that one little thing to God, it carries the capacity to accomplish what a thousand more could accomplish.

May it be said about us that we are people who dedicated all that we have to God.

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