Redeeming Your Time – Evaluate It

Nov 21, 2018 | Worship

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

This podcast is a repost originally published on May 10, 2016

Series: Redeeming Your Time

A season is a period of time. If we do not understand what season we are in right now, effort and time is wasted in doing the wrong things and in the wrong place, not producing worthy fruit.

Evaluate your time to find out what you do spend your time on during the day, week or season. We are unprepared for many seasons simply because we do not evaluate.

Spending time with God is supposed to be at all season irrespective of the time. Job worshipped even during the hard seasons.
Invest in the time instead of ignoring the situations. Job didn’t ignore the situation, but he knew it was his season of grieving.

Joseph invested in the season of plenty, hence preparing himself for the season of lack.

Keep a track of blessings and spiritual attacks, so you know how to prepare for the season.

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