Every Day, Every Hour

Sep 19, 2019 | Worship

Every Day, Every Hour

Sep 19, 2019 | Worship

Psalm 145:2 NLT
I will praise You every day; yes, I will praise You forever.

This podcast is a repost, originally published on May 18, 2017.

We have been studying about God living inside, with and around us all the time.

  • We are not called to live ordinary lives.
  • Jesus made sure that His disciples were uncomfortable,by giving them a new assignment.
  • He asked them to make disciples, baptise and teach them all things Jesus taught His disciples.Also, assuring the fact He is with them to the end of the age.
  • There is an anointing specific to an assignment given over each life.
  • Provision comes while surrendering to the call of God.
  • Not believing the ‘if only’ facts about anointing,call or gift.
  • When people become the source of motivation or provision you might be discouraged .
  • Whereas, knowing Jesus is with you and He is your motivation, life will be very easy.
  • You’re not alone while doing your assignment.
  • Live knowing that Jesus is with you while doing the assignment given to you.
  • As you start to live a life for God you would not only live a material legacy but a legacy beyond your children ,church or nation.
  • A legacy that would impact a nation.

Being aware of the truth that Jesus is with you, is when you’d walk into revival.

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