Psalm 111:3 NLT
Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails.
Series – Encounter the Glory
The scripture says in Psalms 111:3 – Everything God does reveals His glory and majesty.
It’s my prayer that we will become confident about the Lord doing something in your life. He is blessing, releasing, causing reasons to come through in your life to such an extent to thank and give Him glory.
We usually think that it is the amazing opportunities that God gives us to thank Him. Off-late, studying the book of Genesis, from the life of Joseph talks of an instance where, Joseph tells His brothers saying, “You did this to harm me, but God knew how to turn this around.”
Most of the times, we take circumstances at it’s face value and think, how can this bring glory to God? Just as the disciples questioned Jesus about the blind man. How can the blind man bring glory to God? Was it because of his fathers, or his sins he is blind. To which, Jesus replied, “It is because, God wants to use this situation to reveal His glory.”
The man’s blindness was for the glory of God.
Can we begin to thank God for such areas in our lives? It is easy to thank God for a promotion, a blessing, a healing, breakthrough etc. Can we do something different by thanking Him for the present situation, be it, an empty bank account, family member or for all the emptiness in life. Though you may not have clarity, thank Him because He is about to reveal His glory in the midst of the situation.
When we look at Job’s life, we see the calamity was brought by the devil but it did not happen without God’s permission. God had prepared from the beginning about the circumstances in his life that would bring God glory.
Confess this verse along over your life today: Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails.
The word righteousness is a derivative of the word ‘right’ which means ‘He is never wrong’. His nature of being right never fails!
Many times we think God is making a bad choice, but the Bible says His righteousness never fails!
If you are blessed, take a minute to share this with friends and let’s grow in Jesus together.
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