Ezekiel 10:4,18 NLT
[4] Then the glory of the LORD rose up from above the cherubim and went over to the entrance of the Temple. The Temple was filled with this cloud of glory, and the courtyard glowed brightly with the glory of the LORD.
[18] Then the glory of the LORD moved out from the entrance of the Temple and hovered above the cherubim.
Series – Encounter the Glory
This week we have been talking about the glory of God.
Previous days we saw few of the ways that we can give glory to Him:
1 – When we receive the promises of God over our life
2 – When we trust and worship Him
In Ezekiel 10 is a vision of the glory of God where the prophet sees the glory of the Lord rose from above the cherubim and went to the entrance of the temple.
Everyone was allowed at the entrance of the temple. This shows the invitation that God is giving to each and every one, that this glory is not just for the high priest but for everyone because of what Jesus has accomplished.
In the old testament, the Israelites followed the cloud of glory. Wherever the cloud went they followed and whenever the cloud settled they settled and when the cloud moved, they moved along with it.
We have to be a church that will follow the glory of God.
The verse further says that the glory of God moved out from the entrance and went back and hovered over the cherubim which means that God is always inviting us to the most holy place.
You will have God encounters even at the entrance but this is not enough. The encounters at the entrance should and will lead you to the most holy place.
Some of us are in different stages of our life, but God says He is going to come out and encounter you wherever you are.
God doesn’t condone your behaviour because you were sinning when He encountered you, but He wants you to leave all the things behind that you are holding on to and follow Him to the most holy place.
If we are just satisfied by having encounters at the entrance and refuse to go inside then we are living a sub-standard and a less than the best life.
Father I pray for every single one that are listening to us this morning that You will encounter them, that Your glory, the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus will encounter them wherever they are and I pray Father that You will draw them in and bring them into the most holy place where they will lose themselves completely where Your glory takes over our lives 100%. We love You, take us into the holy of holies, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
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