Greater Glory on You

Jan 28, 2020 | Worship

Greater Glory on You

Jan 28, 2020 | Worship

Romans 9:23 NLT
He does this to make the riches of His glory shine even brighter on those to whom He shows mercy, who were prepared in advance for glory.

Let us be glad to be a part of the Kingdom of God because the Bible says, there are people prepared for destruction but also people prepared for God’s glory. We are a part of the people who God has prepared for glory.

A group has been prepared not necessarily for His glory but God gets His glory even in their lives, even when they reject Him or respond negatively to Him. As God is extremely patient and doesn’t want to show His anger immediately but there will be a day where He shall express it.

As we are prepared for glory, we are recipients of His mercy. We are prepared in advance for His glory, never should we think it is because of what we have done is why we have a relationship with God. It is purely the mercy of God that He chose us.

It is beautiful to know how God has prepared us even before we existed in this earth. If you are in God’s mind then the purpose would be beautiful. If God knows how to bring glory from people who reject Him, He would make you shine.

We are the object of His mercy and that’s the reason why we must worship Him. His glory is shining on you and encountering you. When people interact with you which makes them want more of what you carry is because of that person encounters the glory of God that has been bestowed upon you.

This glory must be maintained through worship, willingness to stay as recipients of God’s mercy and celebrate His mercy and be the object of God’s mercy

Let us celebrate His mercy, the willingness of God to show us greater glory. He wants to shine His riches upon you because you are an object of His mercy and He has prepared you in advance for His glory.

Let us not take the privilege that God has given us for granted but instead let us celebrate Him through every challenge and trial as He says, He has selected you for you His glory.

Let us increase our worship, admiration and adoration to our King today!

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