Exodus 25:8 NLT
Have the people of Israel build Me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.
This was a specific instruction to the people of Israel. These are the people who were called out by God. When they were called out by God, God expressed His love, His commitment, and His faithfulness towards them.
You have a special place in God’s heart, in His mind and in His Kingdom.
That is not true for everybody on this planet. It’s not that God does not love everybody but not everybody has experienced the love of God the way you have.
If it is indeed true that God does love us to that extent, then He is asking us to do something for Him. God wants us to build a holy sanctuary.
The biggest thing that God would want from you today is that you would build an environment in such a manner that God would feel convenient and comfortable to stay there. That is the desire of God.
Can you just cultivate an atmosphere of worship just right around you and say;
Lord I welcome Your presence, I welcome Your might, Your majesty, Your greatness, I just welcome it around me, I just welcome it in my heart, I just welcome You into my office, and I want to acknowledge and honor You all through this day, so that the sanctuary that I build for You with my praise, with my worship, that it will be a holy sanctuary so it will be a comfortable sanctuary so You can live among us, and when You do live among us, we know Daddy that it will eventually overflow into the people that are surrounding me and those kind of people will be healed, touched, filled by the power of God just because of the fact that I am leaning on You, and I am filled by You.
Just pray that prayer and wait and watch how the Lord just takes over your day.
God bless you and have a great and awesome day ahead.
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