No Good Thing

Oct 4, 2018 | Worship

Psalm 34:10 NLT
Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing.

Our God is awesome, glorious, all knowing, all providing and all caring God.

Bible is a book which just didn’t give hope, faith and strength to people thousands of years ago, but it is relevant to people even today.

Many people have stopped believing in the bible just because things didn’t work out good for them. But if you just hold on to it and lean on God and wait on Him to work in His own time, you will be surprised to what extent God is going to bless you.

Young lions generally don’t go hungry because there is plenty of meat in the forest. We can find people equivalent to the young lions in us and around us who are educated, well balanced in their life, finances etc. and they have everything they need, but there are times that they may go hungry, they might lose strength, but the bible says those who trust and yield to the Lord they will lack nothing that is good.

Paul had everything that he could boast about, but he counted everything as rubbish compared to the knowledge of knowing Jesus.

If you can just spend your days, abilities and your effort in increasing in your trust and understanding of the Lord of how much He loves and cares for you, you will lack no good thing.

If you do lack something, which would mean;
1- That it is not a good thing
2- That you are not trusting in the Lord
3- That it is a good thing and you are trusting in the Lord, but there is a right time that God would release it to you.

All that you need to ask yourself is first – if your trust is in the Lord or in yourself, or your church or your pastor and second – is the thing that you are desiring is a good thing in God’s standards.

If you trust in what God can release for you, through and to you, you will lack no good thing.

May your faith, hope and trust in God come back to life and go into the next level this day.

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