Law of Liberty

by | Oct 9, 2020 | Worship

So whatever you say or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law that sets you free.

-James 2:12 NLT


Today as we begin our pursuit of God and His presence, can we ask God for grace to not take the freedom that He has given to us in the New Testament era, for granted?

We think Jesus has paid the price for us and that we can live and do whatever we want and think that there will be no consequences for it.

No matter what, everyone that walks on this earth is going to stand before God and be judged by Him.

There was a law in the Old Testament that was an obligation for people that kept them in bondage, but through Jesus Christ we receive a law of liberty. But this liberty is not given to us so that we can do whatever we want but this liberty is to please God and that which brings glory and honour to Him through the way we live.

There is a law of liberty, and we will be judged by this law if we live the way we want to live.

Some people believe that because Jesus died for us, there is no more law and it is abolished. But we have a responsibility with this liberty that is been given to us to live and behave like Jesus.

Whatever we obey and we submit to is the thing that we are slaves to, whether it may be sin or circumstances or people. But God is asking you to keep yourself away from these and keep yourself pure.

The law that is binding us today is the law of liberty that allows us to:

  • walk free
  • to worship God freely in spirit and truth
  • To resist the devil
  • To be filled with the Holy Spirit
  • to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit
  • Gives freedom to walk with God and to enter in to His presence boldly and no fear.

Let this be an encouragement to you this morning.

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