Redeeming Your Time – Multiply It

Nov 26, 2018 | Worship

Exodus 18:18 NLT
You’re going to wear yourself out and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.

This podcast is a repost originally published on May 13, 2016

Series: Redeeming Your Time

You can multiply your time by investing into other people. Jethro advises Moses to delegate his work so that he can be more productive and get more people to do what he was doing.

Find someone whom you can mentor so that you can teach and disciple them to do what you do. By doing so, you can multiply what God has put into your life. E.g. If you are called to be a pastor, you can take some time out to train some people to be a pastors. After sometime, some of them may become pastors and do the work which you have been doing and multiply those efforts at some other place.

In the parable about the master who gave talents to his servants and returned to see what they did with it; two of them traded with it and multiplied it but one just hid it and didn’t multiply it. Time is also like a talent that God has given you, so be good stewards of it.

God has called you not only to plan and enjoy the work that He does through you, but also to multiply it by investing it in someone else’s life.

So go and make disciples of all nations as Jesus asked you to, and ask them to follow and walk with Him as you do.

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