Seek God’s Help

Jan 20, 2020 | Worship

Seek God’s Help

Jan 20, 2020 | Worship

2 Chronicles 16:12 NLT
In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa developed a serious foot disease. Yet even with the severity of his disease, he did not seek the Lord ’s help but turned only to his physicians.

God wants to be a part of our lives, the more we involve Him in our lives the more we express our trust & love towards Him.

2 Chronicles talks about King Asa who followed and served God by setting an example, but there were few areas in his life where he did not depend on the Lord and God was offended by it.

The verse says King Asa developed a serous disease and he did not seek the help of God but rather from his physicians. God expected him to not rely on the physical help but come to Him.

Though God provides you with help on this earth, He expects you to not totally depend on them, that’s in fact an insult to God. But He expects rather to depend on Him, the one who is the provider.

For example, if a father gives his children a phone to talk to him, but the kids just enjoy with the phone and not use it to grow in the relationship with the father, it will offend the father. Its the same way God feels too. Because we not only depend on the people around us but we rather trust in them than trust and believe God’s voice over our lives.

God is the one who deserve our 100%.

It’s good to take advice from the doctors or physicians or the financial advisers but God doesn’t want you to live your life totally dependant on them.

The support systems that God has placed in your lives is not supposed to be a substitute for the presence and person for the Lord.

May you depend on the Lord in every season of your life.

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