Sensitive To His Heart (Essentials to Intimacy)

Aug 31, 2018 | Worship

1 Samuel 13:14 (NIV)
But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him ruler of His people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.

This podcast is a repost, originally published on Feb 16, 2016

Series: Essentials of Intimacy

2. Be a man after HIS heart – Essentials To Intimacy!

God tells Saul through Samuel that HE has found a man after HIS own heart.

Many a times we go after GOD for the good things that HE gives. We should instead go to HIM because we love HIM and want to be after HIS heart. If GOD testifies about you saying that this is a man or a woman after my heart; then you have succeeded in getting intimate with GOD. If we go to GOD only for blessings, it’s just a superficial relationship. When we are in need, it is natural for us to fast and pray. When a prophet came and told King Hezekiah that he was going to die in a week, it was natural for him to fast and pray. He was not seeking the heart of GOD at that moment but a blessing from the hand of GOD to extend his life. On the other hand, David prayed in the wilderness when there was no one watching him and when there was no celebration or hope of him becoming the next king. He worshipped the same way even after he became a king; undignified before HIS presence. This was because he was after the heart of GOD and was only concerned about blessing the heart of GOD.

Can you take a decision today to increase in your intimacy with GOD and go to HIM out of love and not to receive blessings from HIS hands? GOD will provide for your needs and bless you but don’t go to HIM only for that. Go to HIM because you love HIM, you enjoy being in HIS presence, you enjoy going after HIS heart, and you enjoy having a dear friend in HIM. I hope this would encourage you to fall in love with the heart of GOD once again. As Pastor Shyju says, ‘if you find the feet of GOD, you will have the way to HIS heart; if you find the heart of GOD, you will find the way to HIS face and see the face of GOD; and if you see the face of GOD, you will never be the same again, it will change and transform you for good’.

God bless you!

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