Psalm 73:25 NLT
Whom have I in heaven but You? I desire You more than anything on earth.
This podcast is a repost, originally published on Feb 17, 2016
Series: Essentials of Intimacy
3. Synchronize your desires with HIS
By saying these lines, the psalmist means that his desires have been changed and have been replaced by heaven’s desires. We all have desires and ambitions in life. Our desires are at times very selfish; they revolve around money, our ministry, our career, our education, etc. When you constantly pursue GOD and become a man or a woman after GOD’s heart, your desires begin to change and realign itself with HIS desires. HIS desires become your desires.
This is very essential because the Bible says in Amos 3:3 ‘Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?’ If in your marriage you want a child immediately and your spouse doesn’t, it becomes so difficult for you to be intimate and walk together. On the other hand, if you decide something together and realign your desires with your spouse’s desires, it becomes easy for you both to be intimate and walk together. GOD desires the same from you; that you so constantly pursue HIM and go after HIS heart that your desires begin to change and realign itself according to the heart of GOD.
Examine your heart and check your desires to see whether your desires are materialistic or emotional or temporary to your time on earth; or whether they are eternal things. Check whether you store your treasures in earth, where moths and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal; or in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy. Examine where you invest your time and your life. I pray that your desires become HIM and everything that is inside HIS heart.
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