Teach Your Children

Jan 29, 2020 | Worship

Teach Your Children

Jan 29, 2020 | Worship

Isaiah 54:13 NLT
I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace.

This podcast is a repost, was originally published on August 1, 2017.

Series: Promise of Restoration & Protection
This week we are speaking about the protection and restoration that God wants to release into our lives.

When we are going through difficult time we end up losing hope. We pray and declare that you this will not be the case for you. You will begin to understand that God has a desire to protect and restore you. Whatever you believe and expect from God that He will do for you.

Isaiah 54:13 will speak especially to all of the parents and also the spiritual parents.

The bible says, “I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace.”

The success of a goldy father or mother is that their children are successful.

A pastor greatest success is that his church members are successful A employers greater success is that their employees are successful and are doing their best with the resources they are offering them.

Thats the same with us. The people God has blessed you around with to take care and bless them, its your task to go and disciple and teach them but at the end of the day go back to God and claim Isaiah 54:13 scripture over their life. Because even when you fail, God will teach them and give them great peace.

Often we are overloaded with the responsibility that we are the one who need to teach, lead and pray assuming the place of God in their life.
Stop and take a step back. Let God be their father and let Him teach them, because when God teaches the people who are under you, nothing can change it.

Allow God to the father over your family, your children and He will teach them and will give them great peace.

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