Terrified and Panicked

by | Jan 25, 2021 | Worship

The disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground. – Matthew 17:6 NLT


Greetings in Jesus name.

May the Lord bless you, May this new week you entered into become an unusual blessing for you.

In Mathew 17:6, it says that the disciples when they saw Jesus transfigured, they were terrified and they fell face down on the ground. This was their response to a word that came from heaven. We know the context of this was that Peter, James and John had an invitation from Jesus to climb up the mountain with him. Peter, James & John were not used to climbing up the mountain with Jesus, they were used to travelling, preaching and healing.

For Jesus supernatural occurrences would be normal, it would be natural especially those times when he would climb up the mountain.

Are you a believer who thinks you are an ordinary person and you don t care about taking that extra effort, climbing up that extra mountain to be in the presence of God so that you can be committed to God?

The reason Jesus pleased His father was because He was a seeker, worshipper He knew how to fellowship and commune and depend on His father and that is what will characterize our life’s too.

Peter’s focus was not on the presence of God, but was on the supernatural aspect of the encounter.

Your intention should not be to experience something supernatural, but to stay in His presence.

May the presence of God become a normal occurrence in your everyday life.

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