Acts 20:7-9 MSG
We met on Sunday to worship and celebrate the Master’s Supper. Paul addressed the congregation. Our plan was to leave first thing in the morning, but Paul talked on, way past midnight. We were meeting in a well-lighted upper room. A young man named Eutychus was sitting in an open window. As Paul went on and on, Eutychus fell sound asleep and toppled out the third-story window. When they picked him up, he was dead.
This podcast is a repost originally published on Jan 7, 2016
Today’s scripture is taken from the book of Acts where Paul was addressing the crowd and talks about how Eutychus fell from an open window and died and talks about how Paul prayed and he came back to life.
There are four things that was part of the Sunday service in the passage here:
– Worship
– Celebration of the Master’s supper
– Preaching of God’s word
– Demonstrating the power of preaching
The Bible talks about Paul demonstrating the power of God by what was being preached. This was beyond being just a sermon.
Are factors like worship, Lord’s table, preaching of God’s word important? Yes, there are!
But, demonstrating the power our preaching in action helps people know the power of what is being talked about.
The biggest challenge of Christians todays is we don’t demonstrate or live what is being preached.
We ought to demonstrate our relationship with Jesus to people more than just being a sermon.
There might be times you would have to go ‘way past midnight’ – an extra mile, to subject to the word of God but this has to be coupled with obedience for people to follow the message that is carried and preached.
Let’s live out the message we carry in Jesus name!
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