Who is My Equal?

Jun 18, 2018 | Worship

Isaiah 46:5
To whom will you compare Me? Who is My equal?

Series: The Book of Isaiah

So often when we put our trust in our family, our close friends or the people around us, we face disappointments because there is nobody that can fill that God shaped void in our hearts. There is nobody that can take the place of God in our hearts.

In Isaiah 46:5 God is asking as to whom will you compare His role and presence in your life? Who can take His place in your life? No one can fill that void in your heart, neither your family, friends, money not even your ministry, because God is too big, there is no one who is equal to Him.

God is the one who is wise, who has seen the end from the beginning, who has understanding about physical and spiritual universe, who is the one who knows your life inside out and knows you when you were created, the one who counts the number of hair on your head and He is the one who loves you and cares you.

For instance, if you are getting 5 million dollars as a free deposit in your account every morning you wouldn’t be worried if someone steals a 100 dollar from it. But so often we are like the ones who keep worrying about the 100 dollars that we lose.

Bible says God’s mercies are new every morning. When people steal from you, hurt you or cheat you, you don’t have to sit back and feel bad about it but you need go back to God and say that there is no body equal to Him, He is the great I AM, there is none who can be compared to Him and nobody can take His place and so the small hurts, breakups or challenges that you face is not great enough to destroy you completely.

No one even comes close to how much God loves and cares for you.

Hope that this will be an encouraging word for you!

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