Mark 10:16 NLT
Then He took the children in His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them.
Jesus said unless you are like a little child, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
What is the characteristic of a little child? The little children have a sort of wonder every morning when they come to their parents.
The child has the wide-eyed wonder every morning to go back and just to enjoy more of their parents, of their siblings, more of the blessings that God has given to them.
We need to carry the same in our relationship with our Father God.
Jesus told the disciples do not stop these children from coming to Me.
In Mark 10: 16, the bible says, He took the children in His arms and He placed His hands on their heads and He blessed them. When you enter into His presence, become like a child who is lost in love, in wonder, in fascination about how great our Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is. The more we are focussing on who God is, on Jesus that we are serving, the Holy Spirit that is living inside of us will automatically cause us to be in wide-eyed wonder.
The reason we do not experience that so often is because we are constantly looking at ourselves and other people.
In this season, if you will decide to come to God and just be in wide-eyed wonder, you are going to experience the same as in Mark 10:16 that He would take everybody that comes to Him as a child, take you in His arms, and He would place His hands on your heads and He will bless you.
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