Habakkuk 1:11
They sweep past like the wind and are gone. But they are deeply guilty, for their own strength is their god.
Everyday that God gives an opportunity for us to come to Him, it is our responsibility to tell Him that He is our strength and our refuge.
So often we are proud of our strength and the ability that God has given us. Refuse to worship them.
Habakkuk 1:11 says They sweep past like the wind..
Many people are so excited when they begin their walk with God doing everything they can, for God, but all of a sudden many of them fade away, that is because we begin to celebrate our strengths and abilities.
Moses was the meekest man on earth, but yet couldn’t enter the promise land because of his anger.
David was a man after God’s own heart but yet He displeased God.
Sometimes our strengths can become our greatest weakness, because we celebrate ourselves, instead begin your day by believing that the Lord is your strength and refuge and rejoice more in your weakness because it is in that His strength is made perfect and you will rejoice because the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Today realign your worship, you will be out of danger of worshiping your own strength.
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